Breaking news from today's Daily Business Review, Florida lawyers are complaining about the Florida Bar’s sale of their e-mail addresses to third parties who have flooded their in-boxes with unwanted marketing posts.
The state bar charges $8,500 for a DVD with lawyer contact information and makes about $200,000 a year on the sales, according to the Daily Business Review. The bar says it is a public agency that is obligated to provide the contact information.
But a handful lawyers at a recent committee meeting of the state bar fumed about the practice, according to the article. One of the critics is Ury Fischer, who has written the state bar to voice his objections.
“I believe that there are very simple and inexpensive ways for the bar to meet its public records obligations without exposing its members to spam abuse," the letter says.
Hey, I want to join Ury Fishcher. Really, our offices spend so much money trying to put anti virus stuff in our computers, anti spam, and anti all sorts of things I don't know about, and now to find about my own little Florida Bar is selling my name, without me even getting a little bitty residual. Oh, man, I want either less corruption or a bigger share of it!
By the way, it appears that what the Florida Bar is doing is legit: A recent law.com article highlights the fact that attorney e-mail addresses are considered public records in Florida.
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